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Request/Response tabs

Steven | Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 08:48AM UTC

This has 'bugged' me mildly for a while but have never remembered to raise it. If you click on a request in the HTTP History and click the Response tab and press the up or down arrow to manually view each response, lets say to search for a string in a particular recent request by watching the X matches value in the bottom right hand side, sometimes the selected tab changes to request without me noticing. This happens when one of the items in the history did not have a response to show for example it timed out. I think the behaviour in this case should be to return back to the response tab when the up or down arrow is pressed and you move away from the entry without a response. The reason is i often want to find a value quickly in the history without a full search in a response and sometimes could scroll for a while before realising that burp has switched back to requests. Thanks

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 09:36AM UTC

Hi, Thank you for reporting this. When you say some of the items do not have a response to show, does the response tab not show up at all? If so, you can use the Filter to Filter by request type > Hide items without responses. If the response tab is actually there and not populated with any data, I can look into another workaround.

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