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Request Highlighting

Cyrill | Last updated: May 14, 2024 09:11AM UTC

I'm working on a new ScanCheck Burp extension and running into some issues using the highlighting functionality. AuditInsertionPoint (e.g. as created using AuditInsertionPoint.auditInsertionPoint()) has a method issueHighlight() that returns List<Range> when providing the payload as input. So I converted them to List<Marker> and used withRequestMarkers() to add them to the HTTPRequestResponse returned by the api.http().sendRequest() method call. This request I then used for the created AuditIssue as the requestResponse. However, the highlighting does not match the payload, e.g. the start of the highlight is correct, but the end seems to be at the position where the baseValue would have ended. Could you explain or show an example how request highlighting is supposed to be implemented properly? E.g. what is the purpose of the issueHighlight() method, since it also returns a List<Range> and not List<Marker>? Thanks.

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 14, 2024 12:28PM UTC

Hi Cyrill Would it be possible for you to drop us an email at support@portswigger.net with some screenshots of the behavior you're seeing. If you're able to include some code snippets as well, that would also be useful.

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