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received fatal alert: certificate_unknown in Android even after all the instructions and recommendations i saw

Raywando | Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 06:46AM UTC

Hello, Android emulator version: 8.0.0 Burp suite version: 1.7.37 (Please leave updating Burp as last resort, I'd like to stay with this version) What have I tried: - Rooted the emulator and activated SSL-unpinning - Regenerated the certificate Also, the certificate works perfectly on the browser. And I have only tried it on the emulator bworser (which worked only on http hosts) so its not about SSL-pinning. The certificate is installed correctly on the emulator and I can see the burp interface when I navigate to http://burp/. As far as I know, the issue is from Burp suite client. Please let me know how can I resolve this issue. Thanks!

Raywando | Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 07:06AM UTC

I just realized that Android versions after 7.0.0 dont accept user certificates, I apologize for the trouble. Thanks!

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