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Read Out Loud - Verbal Voice Lab Reading

Wolfie | Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 07:56AM UTC

I tend to have difficulties reading and obtaining the information simultaneously. Is there a chance to get a service, to press a "speaker-button", and it then proceeds to read out loud what is displayed within an explanation of something. e.g XSSes or oAuth or SQLi etc I believe many people, such as myself, would have an easier time learning from your amazing service :P

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 10:07AM UTC

Hi Wolfie We appreciate your feedback! I believe there are other websites and tools you can use to have the content of our labs and learning materials read to you aloud. For the lab solutions, we tend to have community solution videos from our users who explain in detail the various steps of the lab.

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