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Proxy (VPN) Help [URGENT]

Coto | Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 11:00PM UTC

Hello, I've got Burp Suite Professional and I've got a test Process here for my Website, that it attempts a combination of a specific E-Mail and a bunch of Passwords. However, I've put it (on my Website), so if the user inputs 10 times the wrong Password, you can try again in 30 Minutes. Is it possible to insert some kind of Proxy/VPN to Burp Suite, so every 10 attempts, switch IP (use another Proxy/VPN) and continue with the next Passwords?

PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 07:52AM UTC

There isn't a feature in Burp to do this, but you could implement it easily with a quick extension. Your extension would need to have a list of your available upstream proxy servers, and then use the config handling APIs to update Burp with new upstream proxy settings. This could be done periodically on a timer, or based on a trigger like a number of outgoing requests (if you also register a listener to monitor requests).

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