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Proxy options sub-tab

John | Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 09:54PM UTC

this should be easy for someone, I am learning burpsuite and watched a video of how to use match and replace presaved settings. Supposedly located under proxy in the options sub-tab. My burpsuite does not have this options sub tab and that location. How to I find the presaved match and repalce presaved settings? Thanks in advance

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 07:53AM UTC

Hi John, We moved the various settings available within Burp a few versions ago - for the proxy settings, there should now be a 'Proxy settings' button within the Proxy -> HTTP history section of Burp. The screenshot below illustrates this for you: https://snipboard.io/Bsx9lN.jpg If you click this, the proxy settings will open directly. If you then navigate to the 'Match and replace rules' section you will find the specific settings that you are looking for. Again, the screenshot below illustrates this for you: https://snipboard.io/s8lemy.jpg

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