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Problem with Exploiting NoSQL operator injection to extract unknown fields lab

kaiwhata | Last updated: Oct 07, 2024 01:14AM UTC

It seems there's a bug in the "Exploiting NoSQL operator injection to extract unknown fields" lab. Whilst the NoSQL exfiltration is possible - it doesnt appear that the unlockToken is one of the keys enumerable via JS anymore (the set I enumerated was, _id, username, password, and 'email'). I verified using keys.length that there were no more enumerable key names (and I checked that the email keys was in fact that users' email and not their token). Enumerating beyond a key length of 4 causes the server to 500. Whilst I was able to enumerate the user's entire password - as the account is locked by the attack I cant use it to authenticate and complete the lab. Specifically the Step 7.8 in the solution no-longer appears to be possible. I've tried stopping and resetting the lab - but have experienced the same behaviour through a lab restart.

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Oct 07, 2024 09:34AM UTC

Hi, Just to confirm, have you carried out step 4 of the solution - manually resetting the carlos users password using the embedded browser?

kaiwhata | Last updated: Oct 07, 2024 07:21PM UTC

Thanks - I had reset the lab part way through and had clear not remember to complete this step the second time. Solved it now :)

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