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Not able to intercept traffic using burp proxy

Rahul | Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 11:46PM UTC

I have started burp-proxy on localhost:8081 on my machine. I am using macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and burp pro 2020.11.3 The same proxy host and port are configured in my Firefox browser using foxy proxy add-on. My internal sites are not accessible now. External sites are loading but nothing is getting captured in burp. http://burpsuite is not giving me option to get the burp certificate. burp used to work on my machine couple of weeks back but now i am facing these issues.

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 08:42AM UTC

Hi Rahul, Can you please send us an email with screenshots of how you have configured this? Are you leaving Burp open when trying to navigate to http://burpsuite? What have you entered under the network settings in Firefox?

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