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net.portswigger.devtools.client.impl.connection.local.Zo: Unpacking the BurpBrowser binaries failed because the chromium-linuxarm64-114.0.5735.90.zip archive was not found on the classpath

MaisNon | Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 07:27PM UTC

Hello I have an iMac M1 and work with Parallels and Kali Linux as VM. There I installed burpsuite with sudo apt install burpsuite, but I cannot open the Browser. I cannot insert the screenshot which I have made. What can I do? What do I have to do be able to use "open browser"? I cannot find a folder with Chromium in the terminal under .burpsuite. Do I have to install the zip-file separately? Thanks!

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 07:59AM UTC

Hi, We now have specific installation files for both M1 and Linux ARM64 based machines. You would need to specifically install the Linux ARM64 installable version of Burp on your Kali machine in order to use the embedded browser (currently, we do not include the Chromium binary files for either M1 or Linux ARM64 based machines within the standalone Jar file). You can obtain the Linux ARM64 installation file from our release page below (you would just need to select the 'Linux (ARM64)' option from the second drop down menu): https://portswigger.net/burp/releases

MaisNon | Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 04:08PM UTC

Thanks for the answer. I am sorry, can you tell me what is the command for the Kali Terminal?

MaisNon | Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 04:28PM UTC

Now, I have the solution: in the Terminal I have to change the privilege and I have to install the file with sudo ./filename.sh Now it works. I cannot start the program from the terminal, but it works. :-)

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