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Message Editor Gone

J | Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 03:03PM UTC

I'm new to Burp Suite (Community Edition), and I had this issue where I accidentally detached the Message Editor in the "Proxy" tab, creating another window. I couldn't find a way to bring it back into my main window, so I closed it. However, I can't seem to get the Message Editor back, as the Proxy tab only displays "Intercept is on- Requests sent by Burp's browser will be held here so that you can analyze and modify them before forwarding them to the target server.". I have tried reopening the browser but that didn't work, and I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling but that hasn't done anything either. I've searched everywhere for anyone who had a similar issue but I was unable to find them. Does anyone know how to get the Message Editor back? Thank you for your help!

J | Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 03:09PM UTC

I figured out the issue. I reopened the Burp Suite browser and typed something in, which brought the Message Editor back. Hope this thread helps anyone else with this issue!

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