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&lt; auto decode to <

Green | Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 04:13AM UTC

Hi Burp Team, If the response contains HTML special characters e.g (<>') with the HTML tags, they appear in encoded form. Example: ======== <h1>Profile of &lt;class &#39;type&#39;&gt;!</h1> Is there any way to stop that encoding and have the response print out as: <h1>Profile of <class 'type'>!</h1> In "Render", it appears like (<h1>Profile of <class 'type'>!</h1>) but wondering if it is possible to have it print like this in Pretty and Raw as well. Thanks, G.

Liam, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 01:28PM UTC

Thanks for your message. Could you provide a reason or example workflow for this request?

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