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License Migration

Błażej | Last updated: May 28, 2020 11:35AM UTC

Hi, I work in an environment where I often get a new computer or virtual machine from which I have to work because there is no other way to connect to the network or access the application. I have activated my current license on my computer but I also need Burp Pro for tasks when a virtual machine is created for testing and then lost. my question is whether it is possible to reset the current license so that I can activate it in the test environment? or can I move Burp myself so that I do not need to activate subsequent installations? best regard Błażej Dusik

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 28, 2020 11:46AM UTC

Hi Błażej, I have added 2 additional activations for you. You will need to contact us each time you run out of activations. How frequently are you rebuilding your VMs? Have you tried creating a VM image with an activated version of Burp Pro and then creating subsequent VMs from that image?

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