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Steven | Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 12:39PM UTC

Hello, Would it be possible if burp lists the libraries that it uses (like bouncycastle, nimbus, fasterxml, etc) in the release notes. This would allow extensions to use the version already provided in burp, instead of potentially loading another version of the same library. Thanks, Steven.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 10:25AM UTC

Hi Thanks for getting in touch. If we were to list these for BApp Authors to use, this would then mean that BApps (or even custom extensions that users created for their own personal use) would become reliant on these libraries. We need to have the ability to upgrade, remove or modify any 3rd party libraries that Burp uses and if BApps were reliant on them we would then risk impacting and potentially breaking the BApps and extensions that used them, so unfortunately this would not be completely practical. If there's specific functionality that you would like to see, we would need to provide that via the Montoya API.

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