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Lab 2: Manipulating the WebSocket handshake to exploit vulnerabilities

Henry | Last updated: Jul 13, 2024 08:53PM UTC

Hi All, I cannot seem to get past the point where my IP is banned. I have tried added the X-Forwarded-For in Repeater but it does not make a difference. I know I am missing something but cannot work it out. The video in the community solution also seems to have jumped a step or two and it has no audio. I appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 15, 2024 12:13PM UTC

Hi Henry, Can you please send us screenshots/ screen recordings of the exact steps you are taking so we can better advise?

Henry | Last updated: Jul 22, 2024 09:55PM UTC

Hi Dominyque, thanks very getting back to me. I was able to solve the lab myself. I think I just needed a clear head. I also learned that the key is to use the intercept so that I can add the X-forward to each get before sending it.

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