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issues with 'add to site map' feature in Repeater tab

Benedikt | Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 12:45PM UTC

Hi, been having this issue for the longest time and even now in the current release of burp pro. so what happens is when im testing an api through burp but the api collection or documentation is off, i would need to many times correct the request in burp using the repeater tab. in order then then add the corrected request to my sitemap i intuitively right click my request in repeater and select 'add to site map'. The problem is however that when i actually go to my sitemap, only the response of the request was correctly added but the request in not populated correctly in the site map as all the headers are missing awell as the HTTP method, path and HTTP version. The screenshots below is for a GET request but ive tested this with a POST request and again the request was not populated correctly. hope this feedback helps. and please do update me once this is fixed, happy to test again https://imgur.com/a/y0ENfKp

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 08:42AM UTC

Thanks for letting us know. If you perform the following actions: 1. Go to the "Logger" tab 2. Find the request you wanted to add to the site map in the table 3. Use the context menu action to add the request to the site map Does this successfully add the item?

Benedikt | Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 01:58PM UTC

hi, yes that works via the logger tab. thanks.

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 02:03PM UTC

Thanks for confirming! I'm glad that that workaround helps. We'll investigate further into the issues sending the request to the Site Map from Repeater and get a bug report raised.

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