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issue with 'add to sitemap' function

Benedikt | Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 02:02PM UTC

earlier on this year i was having issues with adding requests to sitemap under via the Repeater... Support told me then to please 'add to sitemap' using via the Logger. that worked well but now i am having another issue. the 'add to sitemap' does not work when i add a GET request of path /api/customer/ and then then add a PATCH request under the same path. what happens that instead of ending up with a PATCH and GET request in my sitemap, the GET request simply gets overwritten and im left with only the PATCH request... please help

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 02:32PM UTC

Thanks for getting in touch. Currently, GET and POST requests are listed separately, but other methods for the same paths can overwrite one of the original two requests. We have added your interest to a feature request to display all methods within the site map and linked this thread to the request.

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