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invalid username

Tassnem | Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 08:23PM UTC

Hello, I'm tryding to solve the lab username and password enumeration via different responses, and I did everything in the right way but I got invalid username. I did all steps in the solution but still get invalid username!!

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 08:27AM UTC

Hi, Are you able to provide us with some details of the steps that you have taken to try and solve this lab so that we can assist you further? In addition to the above, one of our users has made some very good video solutions to most of our labs. Having a visual guide on how to solve the lab might be useful to you - the video for this particular lab is below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weXQTY8fAR8

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