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Integrating BurpSuite Enterprise Edition with Defect Dojo

Attila | Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 02:06PM UTC

How can I import BurpSuite Enterprise Edition scan reports into Defect Dojo? What format should I use to export the reports? I downloaded the HTML report and then imported into Defect Dojo, but the result is empty: the import happened without error, but no issue is displayed in Defect Dojo. The integration should be automatic through the APIs or any other method, but without manual work.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 08:14AM UTC

According to the DefectDojo documentation, you should be able to import the HTML report from Burp Suite Enterprise, you may need to check that you have the latest versions of DefectDojo or check to see if there are any known bugs with this process. https://defectdojo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/integrations.html They do also have a plug-in for use with Burp Suite Professional. Currently, Burp Suite Enterprise does not support extensions but this is something that we have on our roadmap. https://portswigger.net/burp/enterprise/roadmap

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