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Information exposure in the "interaction" endpoint of the oauth servers

harel | Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 03:58PM UTC

"OAuth authentication" labs. Making a request to the OAuth server like that: https://oauth-endpoint/interaction/$$$" where '$$$' can be anything. That yields: SessionNotFound: invalid_request at *** (***) at *** (***) at *** (***) I only checked two labs.

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 09:16AM UTC

Hi Harel, We have replicated this and have passed the details onto the Web Academy team. In this instance, we may decide not to take any action on this particular issue (the Web Security Academy is full of intentional vulnerabilities including SSRF and RCE, and completely isolated from the rest of our infrastructure) but we really do appreciate you taking the time to get in touch and raise this with us.

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