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Increase the number of activations for my Burpsuite Professional license issued to me

Lalatendu | Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 06:13AM UTC

Dear Team, This is to inform you that we have been provisioned with 2 Burpsuite P licenses and we are not currently able to activate both the licenses issued to us. Request you to kindly look into the same and resolve this issue at the earliest as customer deliverables are getting impacted. Please be informed that my team had already reached out to your support team and constantly followed up since 21st of October, but unfortunately we didn't get any response on that and our customer deliverables have gone for a toss.

Danielle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 10:02AM UTC

Hi Lalatendu Thanks for your message. Please can you confirm the email address that is associated with the account? Many Thanks Danielle Danielle Gorton Customer Champion PortSwigger Web Security

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