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I cant edit burpsuite directory

Faisal | Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 05:24PM UTC

I currently upgraded my PARROT OS, and now i cant run burpsuite as the below error occurs Error To run Burp Suite using Java 17+, please supply the following JVM argument: --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED When i tried applying the arguments by Sudo nano /usr/bin/burpsuite The nano editor doesnot recognize the character i can see weird non-readable characters and symbols only. Can someone help me fix this

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 07:09AM UTC

Hi Faisal, On the ParrotOS operating system the actual Burp Suite Jar file is actually named burpsuite and is located in the /usr/bin directory (so you will not be able to open the 'burpsuite' file in a text editor). If you want to run the preinstalled version of Burp using Java 17 you would need to use the following command instead of just entering 'burpsuite': java --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing=ALL-UNNAMED -jar /usr/bin/burpsuite

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