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How to crawl sites with complicated logins with Burp Pro v2022.2

Michael | Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 01:44AM UTC

I'm using Burp Pro v2022.2. Doesn't seem like there's a way to automatically crawl a website with complicated logins. Both options in Application login do not work. It uses basic auth. I have tried both "User login credentials (username & password)" and "Use recorded login sequences (record using Burp's Chrome extension)". They both fail the login step. I have my own session handling rules and macros set up for login. Is there a way to use session handling rules and macros for crawling instead?

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 09:36AM UTC

Thanks for your message. If your site is using Basic Auth, have you tried configuring the authentication details under User Options -> Platform Authentication? Please let us know if this helps. If you're still having issues after trying this option can you send an email to support@portswigger.net with a few more details about the site and the login so we can take a closer look?

Michael | Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 12:29AM UTC

I'm using the scan launcher in an attempt to use the automatic crawl feature. I do have credentials filled out in User Options -> Platform Authentication but it doesn't seem to use it. It finishes crawling in a few seconds. I didn't work with the main URL by itself as our logins do this weird redirecting thing where you start from something like www.oursite.com -> login.oursite.com/randomlyGeneratedCharactersBaseOnMainURL -> www.oursite.com. login.oursite.com is where it'll pop up the basic auth. I didn't know the scan launcher would be able to use User Options -> Platform Authentication since it kept vetoing my session handling rules. Thanks for mentioning that, so I decided to add login.oursite.com into the list of URLs to scan and that worked. Now the scanner is able to crawl the main URL. Thanks!

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