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How can I overwrite burp's default scanner options

Prateek | Last updated: May 19, 2020 01:28AM UTC

Hi, when I select actively scan this host from one host in sitemap it automatically uses Burp's default scanner options. I am wondering how can I select my own customized options or if I can overwrite Burp's default options

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 19, 2020 10:29AM UTC

Hi Prateek, If you perform an Active Scan on a host it will create a new Active Scans task in the Dashboard of Burp that uses the default scan configuration. You can then pause this task, click on the Settings icon and then change the scan configuration settings as you would for a normal scan. Any further active scans that are initiated will be added to the existing task and will then adhere to the current scan configuration in place (unless you delete the task or start a new project).

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