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Headless using of extensions

Sweeney | Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 01:57PM UTC

Hi all, I would like to Import to Sitemap extension in a headless mode - is there any way to do so out-of-the-box? Are there any other ways? My use-case is the following: 1. start Burp in headless mode 2. pass .zap file into the extension to populate the sitemap with requests (along with all necessary headers like Authorization:) 3. start the active scan with Burp against the site in the sitemap How do I do that? Thanks!

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 10:43AM UTC

Hi It looks like the "Import to Sitemap" extension requires user interaction in the GUI to work, so you would not be able to do this headlessly. If you wanted to modify the extension so that it could work headlessly, you can find some helpful resources here: - https://github.com/portswigger/import-to-sitemap - https://portswigger.net/burp/extender

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