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GraphQL API GetScan call failing

Zac | Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 12:41PM UTC

I am trialing an on-premise BSEE distribution and I am trying to hit your GetScan ( endpoint and have created the following script ( ``` #!/bin/bash # pretty print the query script='query GetScan ($id: ID!) { scan(id: $id) { id status agent { id name } site_application_logins { login_credentials { label username } recorded_logins { label } } audit_items { id issue_counts { total } number_of_requests } scan_configurations { id name } } }' # strip out newlines script="$(echo $script)" echo "About to execute: $script" curl -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <MY_API_KEY>" -X GET -d "{ \"query\": \"$script\"}" '' ``` Above <MY_API_KEY> is a real value in the script (I can't post it here, obviously). Same with the URL (I have an on-premise version of BurpSuite running off, say, When I run `sh` I get the following output: About to execute: query GetScan ($id: ID!) { scan(id: $id) { id status agent { id name } site_application_logins { login_credentials { label username } recorded_logins { label } } audit_items { id issue_counts { total } number_of_requests } scan_configurations { id name } } } HTTP/2 200 date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 23:33:50 GMT x-frame-options: DENY <lots of response headers omitted> {"errors":[{"message":"Unexpected exception occurred. Check logs for more details.","extensions":{"code":77}}]} When I grep the web server logs for "exception", all I see is: 2021-10-21 12:31:53 [qtp1332576265-2275] ERROR b.w.r.WebServerGraphQlExceptionMapper - Unexpected exception HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed Is there something wrong with my query? Thanks for any help getting this up and running for me!

Zac | Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 12:44PM UTC

And here is just the curl thats failing (same error), to show its not an issue with the rest of the bash script: curl -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <MY_API_KEY>" -X GET -d '{ "query": "query GetScan ($id: ID!) { scan(id: $id) { id status agent { id name } site_application_logins { login_credentials { label username } recorded_logins { label } } audit_items { id issue_counts { total } number_of_requests } scan_configurations { id name } } }"}' '' If someone can help me just get that curl working I can make the rest of the script work as well -- thanks!

James, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 08:40AM UTC