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Getting an error about User not having permissions

Smith, | Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 03:45PM UTC

Good morning, I am attempting to run burp using the generic ci/cd driver. When I try to run the following command, an error comes up. My question is how do I get past this error? Ideally, I'd like to use the ci/cd driver instead of cURL requests. Command: /path/to/java/11/java -jar /etc/burp/ci-driver.jar https://webscanurl:8080 --api-key=APIKEY --site-id=28 --min-severity=high --min-confidence=certain --report-file=scan-report.html --report-type=summary Error: UNEXPECTED ERROR: User does not have permission to view site scan configurations I am able to kick off scans using that same API key, when I go to https://webscanurl:8080/api/APIKEY/v0.1/ and construct a cURL request to send. For example, the following scan kicks off without any issue. curl -vgw "\n" -X POST 'https://webscanurl:8080/api/APIKEY/v0.1/scan' -d '{"name":"PTS - Development","scan_configurations":[{"name":"USTP_OWAPS","type":"NamedConfiguration"}],"urls":["https://targetwebsiteurl.com"]}' Status 201 Created

Maia, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 10:26AM UTC

Hi, Thank you for your message. I can see that you have also emailed in, so I will respond to your email instead.

Smith, | Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 11:46AM UTC

Looks like I needed to add these two permissions to the account: 1. Scan viewer 2. Sites maintainers After that the scan kicked off just fine.

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