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Feature Request - intruder/scanner

Takeshi | Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 10:21PM UTC

Hi Team, I am Takeshi Sato from Japan. I am always using burp on my work so I have some feature requests. First request is regarding intruder. When I am using intruder, I often change the payload and I have to change "Grep - Match" each time. I would like to change the payload with "Grep - Match". Second is also regarding intruder. When I assess the JSON type request, the position which intruder determined is not valid. I will show the simple example below. Before: para=§{"test01":"value01","test02":"value02"}§ After: para={"§test01§":"§value01§","§test02§":"§value02§"} Third is regarding scanner. Scanner do not have the feature about redirect. It is only have the check box "Follow redirections where necessary". I would like to set up about redirect in the same way as intruder/repeater. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Tak

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