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Even if you search with the search bar, the number of matches is not displayed and "0 highlights" is displayed.

xxxx | Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 06:43AM UTC

When searching for a string entered in advance in the HTTP message editor, the number of matches is not displayed in the search bar, and "0 highlights" is displayed. A few versions of burp used to show the number of matches as "2 matches". I am having an issue with the steps below. 1. Enter a search string in advance in the search bar 2. request or response is displayed 3. (When the search hits) "0 highlights" at the bottom right of the screen glows blue for about 1 second 4. (If the search does not hit) "0 highlights" at the bottom right of the screen does not light up If you enter a search string in the search bar after the request or response is displayed, the number of matches is displayed, such as "2 matches". I would like you to fix it so that the number of matches is displayed even if the search string is entered in advance in the search bar. thank you.

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 08:19AM UTC

Hi Thank you for reporting the bug. We are aware of it, and the developers are currently working on a fix to include it in the upcoming release. I will update this thread when the fix goes live.

xxxx | Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 08:30AM UTC

Thank you to the corresponding. I'll be waiting.

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 12:44PM UTC

Hi I am updating the thread to inform you that we have fixed the bug of the search highlight count displaying zero even when matches are present. This fix is live in our latest release v2023.10: https://portswigger.net/burp/releases/professional-community-2023-10

xxxx | Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 04:13AM UTC

Thank you. That helps a lot. I would like you to close this thread. I'll use it once it's merged into a stable version.

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