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ERROR: "User ID controlled by request parameter, with unpredictable user IDs"

Jose | Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 10:35PM UTC

When I try to do the lab it wont let me login using the provided user:wiener and password:peter. It is not logging me in and I had to refresh the browser everytime and click the my account before it shows that I am logged in. Also when I answer the lab with the administrator API key it is saying the answer is wrong when it is not. I verified theres no extra spaces and I copy and paste exact answer. I am using two different computer and used three different browser(Chrome,Firefox and Edge) to troubleshoot the issue but it did not fix it. It might be an issue with your web app. Could you please let me know once issue has been fixed. Thanks!

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 11:10AM UTC

Hi Jose, It looks like there is an issue with the login functionality of this lab - the current behaviour does not look quite right so I have raised a bug report for the development team to investigate this. That aside, I did run through the lab and was able to solve it using the API key obtained from 'carlos' so that aspect appeared to be working as expected. Do you still experience issues with submitting the solution if you try this lab as of right now? If so, are you able to provide us with some screenshots of what you are seeing and what you are doing so that we can see this more clearly - if it is easier to do this via email (you cannot attach images directly to the forum) then please feel free to send us an email at and we can take a look from there.

Jose | Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 01:09AM UTC

I apologize sir. I was using the wrong API that was assigned to the administrator. Also I have finished the lab course as well for this part. Although the logging in for this lab I believe still having issues. I think I am good now. Thank you so much.

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