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Enterprise Custom Scan Configuration

Matt | Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 06:56PM UTC

We are attempting to create scans using the API. However, when run the curl command with a custom scan configuration (exported from pro and imported to enterprise) it says "Failed to start". When using one of the default configuration with the API it works just fine. Any thoughts?

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 08:15AM UTC

Hi, Thank you for your message. Are you able to provide us with details of the command you are entering to run the scan and the actual scan configuration that you are using (if you would prefer to send this to us via email then please feel free to send this to support@portswigger.net)? Also, just a quick note to say that the latest version of Burp Enterprise (2020.1) now includes the functionality to create custom scan configurations so you should not now need to create the configuration in Professional and import into Enterprise.

Burp User | Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 02:01PM UTC

Hey Ben, Thanks for the reply! The command we are using is: curl -vgw "\n" -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/api/<key>/v0.1/scan' -d '{"name":"Test","scan_configurations":[{"config":"customconfig","type":"CustomConfiguration"}],"urls":["https://exampletarget.com"]}' Note: we are currently evaluating Burp Enterprise and are running version 1.1.04-2579. We are in the process of purchasing the product. I'm not sure if a new version will follow but for the evaluation that is the version we are on. After purchase we can upgrade to the newest version but we want to ensure imported custom configurations will run through the API. Thanks!

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 02:06PM UTC

If you swap "customconfig" in your curl command to be the JSON for your chosen configuration, things should hopefully start behaving. The command is looking for the JSON string, rather than the name of the configuration. { "crawler":{ "crawl_limits":{ "maximum_crawl_time":10, "maximum_request_count":0, "maximum_unique_locations":5000 } } } Let us know how you get on. If you want to send us any screenshots you can always email them to support@portswigger.net.

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