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Embedded Browser Binaries

Kweku | Last updated: May 12, 2021 08:40PM UTC

I can't use the BurpSuite application because of this error. I'm currently using the Brave Browser and don't know if that has something to do with it. Please review this topic. Thank you in advance. Aborting checks due to errors. Embedded browser files were missing or corrupt: Missing manifest: C:\Program Files\BurpSuiteCommunity\burpbrowser\90.0.4430.93\manifest.properties

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 13, 2021 07:39AM UTC

Thanks for your message. Burp's embedded browser will be using the files in the Burp installation folder so I wouldn't expect it to be affected by your other browser. It does sound like some of the files are missing though so it might be worth performing a re-install of Burp Suite Community in this case. Please let me know if that helps.

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