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Duplicate scan task and run it?

paulo | Last updated: May 14, 2022 12:15AM UTC

I did a new crawl + audit task but now I want to run it again with some small option changes. Is there any way on the UI to quickly duplicate that task, edit it and run it again or do I always have to create New task and run from there? really feeling dumb for asking this but seems weird there's no 'duplicate button or anything

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: May 16, 2022 08:01AM UTC

Hi Paulo, It is not currently possible to quickly rerun a scan task with the same configuration within Burp Professional so you would, unfortunately, need to create a new scan task each time you wish to run your scan. We do, however, have an existing feature request for this functionality so I will add your interest to this particular request so that we can continue to accurately monitor the demand for it. We will update this forum thread if we have any further news to share about this feature request.

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