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DOM Manipulation, DOM Checking

Christoph | Last updated: Mar 03, 2024 02:53PM UTC

Dear Burp Suite Team, I'm interested in developing a Burp extension focused on analyzing elements within the DOM as they load. Currently, I've observed there isn't a built-in functionality within Burp Suite for directly interacting with the DOM. This limitation has led me to rely on an external Chrome extension for this purpose, though I'd much prefer to integrate this capability directly into Burp. My initial strategy involved capturing all incoming and outgoing HTTP requests and responses via a Java instance. However, this approach encountered authentication issues, primarily due to specific cookie management rules. The challenge arises with Single Page Applications (SPAs) that dynamically generate DOM elements (using methods like appendChild() in JavaScript) once the page has loaded. Therefore, I'm submitting a feature request for the ability to access and read the DOM directly within Burp Suite. I would recommend implementing a read-only access feature to safeguard against the introduction of malicious code by third parties. Thank you!

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 04, 2024 04:40PM UTC

Hi Thanks for the suggestion! We have an ongoing feature request for this functionality, to which I have added your +1. If there's anything else we can help with, then please let us know.

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