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Display results from Burp scan in Jenkins

asdf | Last updated: May 29, 2020 08:39PM UTC

I'm integrating Burp in Jenkins and using Burp plugin. How can I display issues (whether informative, low, medium, high) right after performing scan using Burp API 1. I have Execute Shell in Build step with URL 2. I have Burp scan in Build step including Burp API URL, scan definition in JSON 3. What should I add to display Burp scan issues right after the scan has been performed. In order to use Burp API GET Request to retreive results I need "task_id" which can only be retrieved from location header of step #2 How can I do that or is there any way to do it more conveniently (right within Jenkins) Thanks!!

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 10:37AM UTC

Hi Using the Burp REST API, as you have already identified, you can only retrieve the results if you specify the task_id (found in the location header of the response when the scan is created). Could you tell us a bit more about your workflow and what you need to achieve, please? Would options like setting the scan to email a summary report be a suitable alternative option? Are users able to log into the Enterprise UI to see the results?

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