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Disable update checks or make update experience flawless

updater | Last updated: Apr 16, 2024 09:39AM UTC

Hi, when I'm using Burp I use it for project that takes 2 or 3 weeks. Then there are tiny checks, open, try something, close in 5 minutes. What is really annoying is that update check is shown almost every time when I launch Burp. I appreciate updates and continuous development of Burp - it is great. I'm not against updates. I just don't want to be bothered. I WILL update when I WANT, not when you PUSH (bother/distract) ME! These nag screens makes me write this post. a) Make "disable update checks" register tweak or even better UI config in settings (easy to implement) - Per already existing posts you don't want this... b) OR MAKE BURP UPDATES FLAWLESS EXPERIENCE 1. When I have opened project and working on something for a week, I don't care about new versions! DON'T check for updates when Burp is open. DO it only on start up. 2. On start up? Did you tried your update process? -- Like what does it do? On 10 clicks it download file and offer you to launch it with low privileges? GO BACK TO DRAWING BOARD! -- Not first... like point ZERO is to know where you have installed Burp and update it ONLY in that location! -- On Windows you install stuff as Administrator. Right-click Run as Admin and put it into C:\Program Files\BurpSuitePro. Installing anything into C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs is sick! -- Your installer has to be able to elevate if it detects that Burp is installed in Program Files. -- Currently if I run installer from your dialog it wants to go into C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ WHAT? It ends up with TWO Burp Suites on machine! -- DON'T ASK where to download installer --- Put it into %TEMP% or anywhere... or have it configurable (you are aksing "Do you want to update?" NO HANDHOLDING... Do you want to create process? Can I save file? Can I save this into registery? JUST DO IT) -- If you want no elevation dialog you need update service (like Firefox has) -- When user consent to update DON'T SHOW and Next, Next, Next, Finish crap. Execute silent installation. Does you installer has parameters? USE THEM! -- And finally when installation is done START UPDATED VERSION (that is what user wanted[launch Burp]... and you bothered him with update... so GIVE USER NEW VERSION... and stay shy silent in the corner because you were, so mean and bothered user with meaningless question) ! Check for updates only on startup ! Know where you are installed ! Be able to elveate installer ! Don't ask where to save installer ! Don't show installation wizzard ! Start Burp !!! Make it 1 click experience

Hannah, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 17, 2024 01:29PM UTC

Hi Thank you for your feedback. You can disable automatic updates in Burp by going to "Settings > Suite > Updates". Once you've deselected the "Enable auto-updates" checkbox, please restart Burp. Doing this means that Burp will only check for a new version on startup. If a popup window for a new version appears, you can change the "Don't show again for" selection box to either "one week" or "this version", depending on your preference. Overall, we would highly encourage staying up to date with the latest releases of Burp Suite, as we regularly update the browser packaged with Burp to the latest version of Chromium in order to patch security vulnerabilities.

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