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Disable JSON autocomplete

Aidan | Last updated: Apr 01, 2024 05:46PM UTC

Is it possible to disable the auto-completion of JSON within repeater? I have had consistent issues in editing existing JSON as it will auto-append quotes or braces and mess with existing JSON parameters. For example, if I type " it will automatically append a trailing " (" "). Also if I type a " before an existing parameter it will simply pass into the existing parameter. Any help would be appreciated, I have spoken to other pentesters who face the same issue.

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 02, 2024 06:46AM UTC

Hi Aidan In v2024.2.1, we introduced disabling the autocomplete for JSON within Repeater for the Raw tab. The pretty tab, however, will still have the autocomplete functionality, but we are looking into possibly changing this in the future to allow users to choose whether they want it on or off. I hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if I can assist with anything else.

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