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Dedicated Screenshot Button in Repeater

Frederic | Last updated: Jun 21, 2024 01:49PM UTC

I often need to take screenshots of Burp's Repeater for pentest reports. However, the font is often too small or hard to read because I use dark mode. Moreover, the default screenshot location (on Mac, at least) is the desktop, which is challenging to organize when doing multiple engagements. Also, capturing the whole request in one screenshot is sometimes impossible. It would also be a great feature to generate screenshots with consistent formatting across multiple testers without changing the tester's Burp display settings. Considering that, I think a dedicated screenshot button in Repeater would be an excellent addition. The following options could be implemented. - Choose the destination folder in project settings to keep screenshots organized for each project. - Make font slightly bigger in screenshots for better legibility in reports. - Choose whether to generate the screenshots in light or dark mode. - Options to hide some headers in the screenshots. For instance, hide large headers such as cookies or replace them with "[...]" to make the screenshot more compact and draw attention to the request's body. - Option to screenshot request only, response only, or both side by side. - Option to display response length and response time in screenshots. - Option to include highlights from the search bar or to highlight content using a regular expression. - Option to define screenshots' size limits such as max width and height.

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 24, 2024 09:50AM UTC

Hi Frederic, Thank you for your feedback! I have created a feature request ticket for this so that we can monitor the popularity of this request.

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