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Customize the Burp Suite Enterprise look & feel?

ben | Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 09:08PM UTC

Maybe I'm just overlooking where the template files are stored (Windows Server 2019), We would like to be able to fully customize the HTML and CSS files to create a look that is in line with our established website theme. Many thanks! PS- We are absolutely loving burp thus far and are pretty sure that we cant go back to living without it!

Maia, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 09:29AM UTC


We're glad that you are loving Burp so far.

Modifying Burp Suite Enterprise Edition is not permitted under the license agreement. The most relevant sections are:
  1. 2.5. subject to the provisions of section 5, not to rent, lease, sub-license, loan, translate, merge, adapt, vary or modify the Software or Documentation;
  1. 2.6. subject to the provisions of section 5, not to make alterations to, or modifications of, the whole or any part of the Software, nor permit the Software or any part of it to be combined with, or become incorporated in, any other programs;

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