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crawling and auditing

[ | Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 08:43AM UTC

hi, in dashbord of burpsuite i can create a new scan,so when i'm clicking on new scan there is scan configuration so when i click on new there are these options : crawling and auditing i realy don't what are these mean! when i started a scan without editing any configuration the remaining time was 2 hours so i decided to change some settings : in auditing i just enabled the oscommand injection and disabled other vulnerablities,but when i started the scan the remaining time olso was 2 hours so why?

[ | Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 08:55AM UTC

I forgot to say this : usualy when burp suite scan sites for me when burp sends 1000 requests my internet is disconnected for a few seconds and reconnected. Why does this happen?

Ben, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 09:59AM UTC

Hi Dan, You can find out more specific details on what Burp is doing during the crawling and auditing phases of a scan on the pages below: https://portswigger.net/burp/documentation/scanner/crawling https://portswigger.net/burp/documentation/scanner/auditing Essentially, during the crawl phase of the scan Burp tries to identify the locations available within the website and the audit phase then attempts to audit these locations to try and identify vulnerabilities. Even if you are only checking for a limited number of vulnerabilities during the audit phase, Burp will still be carrying out the crawl phase of the scan against the site in its entirety so this, in itself, will take some time to complete. If you leave both scans to complete do they take similar amounts of time or does the the scan with the reduced audit checks complete quicker? It is probably worth noting that the time remaining estimation is exactly that, an estimation, and is subject to change during the scan itself so letting the scans run to completion is probably a better test.

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