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Constantly updating

Anthony | Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 06:13PM UTC

Hello Burp, my question is when it comes to updates my Burp on my Windows OS automatically updates no problems. But my problem is on my VM and Burp whenever there are updates, it's a pain. It does not update automatically, and so i: - Download the latest version - Download the latest Jar File Then I look for Linux command to import, download and extract files, so my burp is ready for use and updated. But no for some reason my version on my VM aka Kali-Linux does not update regularly is there a way to make sure my version updates regularly without doing it manually all the time. Or is there commands I can use on Linux that can help me update and download the latest versions without it becoming a headache most of the time, thank-you. There has to be some way I can do this fluidly without going through the hassle of searching and figuring out how to keep updates coming in.I do plan to get the "Professional Edition" soon, but I am still learning the ropes of this product.

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 07:39AM UTC

Hi Anthony, You can enable automatic updates under User options > Misc > Updates. Please note that this only works for the platform version (e.g. installing Burp using the Linux installer, in your case, and not the JAR). Can you give this a try and email support@portswigger.net if you have any issues?

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