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Compare Prettified Requests / Responses

Michael | Last updated: Mar 02, 2024 01:29AM UTC

Minified HTML responses are extremely difficult to compare. When trying to compare two 100k byte responses that are in a single line, I either have to use a different tool or give up entirely. My request is, when a request / response is viewed in the "pretty" tab, and you right click "send to comparer", it should send the prettified version. I understand this may cause issues if you care about whitespace, but in that case, you should compare the "raw" tabs to each other.

Dominyque, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Mar 04, 2024 01:38PM UTC

Hi Michael When you view a response as pretty, it only changes how it looks rather than how it is stored. This is why, when a pretty response is copied, it will not keep the formatting as it is not stored that way. We would have to change this before making changes to the Comparer, which would entail quite a lot of development work. At the moment, this will not be implemented in the short term. However, I have added a feature request ticket for this and will update this thread should progress be made against the ticket.

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