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collaborator health check

Eternal | Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 01:10PM UTC

I had some issues with Collaborator in my burp suite, returning an error such as the following when performing a run health check No connections to kf3pmflypc2tgvviglrzzfgn6ecrqaasev3.oastify.com could be opened. The collaborator may still work, as long as the server under test can connect to this port. No connections to the polling server at polling.oastify.com could be opened. The collaborator will not work in this configuration. How can I solve it?

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 01:31PM UTC

Are you able to connect to https://kf3pmflypc2tgvviglrzzfgn6ecrqaasev3.oastify.com or https://oastify.com from your normal browser on the same machine? Does your normal browser use a proxy? Do you have an upstream proxy set in Burp?

Eternal | Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 03:37PM UTC

I used Burp Suite as a proxy in Firefox, but Google Chrome did not use it as a proxy. Without the clash proxy, I cannot access https://334e8mitykw6up96zlmi1vzx1o7fv7jw.oastify.com/ and https://.oastify.com/ on Google Chrome. Only through the clash proxy can I access these two websites. My burp suite does not have an upstream agent and this error occurs. If the upstream agent of my burp suite is clash, the run health check results are as follows. By the way, I am in China, is it because of GFW? When using Clash's socks5 proxy on burp suite, the error is reported as follows: An SMTP connection to the capture server at er9xijonpdb0byyqu3d75okwgnm00jk1o4d.oastify.com port 25 could not be opened. An SMTP connection to the capture server at er9xijonpdb0byyqu3d75okwgnm00jk1o4d.oastify.com port 587 could not be opened. An SMTPS connection to the capture server at er9xijonpdb0byyqu3d75okwgnm00jk1o4d.oastify.com could not be opened. Communication using other protocols did work; possibly a firewall is preventing this connection. When clang is not used as the upstream agent, the error is reported as follows: An HTTP connection to the capture server at am0jjc0eo0plegfuy5jyjpmrxi3vhe1w5zu.oastify.com could not be opened. An HTTPS connection to the capture server at am0jjc0eo0plegfuy5jyjpmrxi3vhe1w5zu.oastify.com could not be opened. An SMTP connection to the capture server at am0jjc0eo0plegfuy5jyjpmrxi3vhe1w5zu.oastify.com port 25 could not be opened. An SMTP connection to the capture server at am0jjc0eo0plegfuy5jyjpmrxi3vhe1w5zu.oastify.com port 587 could not be opened. Communication using other protocols did work; possibly a firewall is preventing this connection. No connections to the polling server at polling.oastify.com could be opened. The collaborator will not work in this configuration.

Eternal | Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 09:14AM UTC

Is it a network problem with my computer? How do I investigate

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 10:46AM UTC

When you run the health check, all ports that can be used for interactions are tested. If a firewall blocks these ports, then you will see errors for the ports that are blocked in the health check results. If the server you will be testing does not have the same firewall rules, the public Collaborator server may still receive interactions on those ports, e.g. SMTP, if a payload triggers an interaction. For you to be able to poll and know that these interactions have been triggered your instance of Burp will be using HTTPS by default, so if the health check reported that the HTTPS polling connection was successful, you would still be able to retrieve all of the results from your scan. The following link helps to describe the flow of traffic: https://portswigger.net/burp/documentation/collaborator I hope this helps.

Eternal | Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 01:01PM UTC

Thank you for your answer. But I also have a problem, I can't access this URL under normal circumstances, https://oastify.com/, I use the default address for health checks in Burp Suite

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 01:32PM UTC

Hi https://oastify.com is currently available, so you should be able to browse to it unless something upstream of your device is blocking it. It may be worth testing from another environment, a different laptop/different network to try and test where the upstream problem may be. Some networks may block access to this URL. If you are unable to use our public collaborator server, there is an option to set up your own private collaborator server if that would help: https://portswigger.net/burp/documentation/collaborator/server/private

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