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Chromium Settings per Project

Raphael | Last updated: Jul 17, 2024 10:03AM UTC

Hi Portswigger-Team, I would love to see, that chromium settings (open last tabs etc.) are saved in the project/save files and only applied if I reopen the project (only for the built-in browser of course). Like when I set the setting "Open last tabs", it would be awesome if this is only done (or there's a setting for it) when I'm in the same .burp file. While this setting (for example) is very useful during an assessment, it is a bit unlucky if I do not think about manually closing all tabs at the end of an assessment or want to have them reopen when I work at that project again. However, if I switch the project (maybe even for a short moment) I do not want to have the tabs of the other project open up. Same goes for some chromium settings I might set for a specific assessment/project, that I would not want to be applied for all projects. It would be fantastic if you could consider something like that. Thank you very much in advance.

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jul 18, 2024 10:51AM UTC

Hi Thanks for getting in touch. Currently you can configure the browser data folder under Settings > Tools > Burp's browser > Browser data, but this is a user-level setting so would need to be manually updated each time you open a project to point at the appropriate folder. If this achieves what you need, we could raise a feature request to see if it would be possible to make this available as a project-level setting. The appropriate browser data folders will need to be accessible to the instance of Burp that needs to use them.

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