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Cant find "Take Exam" option on my portswigger account

Harmanjeet | Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 07:24PM UTC

I am following exam guide and it says this: "In order to take the exam, you will first need to log in to your PortSwigger user account. You will find a button labeled "Take exam", which you will be able to use to begin the process of taking your exam. By clicking this button, you will begin the official exam process, including the verification by our automated proctoring service Examity." But I am not able to find "Take Exam" button on my account. Can you please help me with it. Thanks

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 08:30PM UTC

Hi, It looks like you have managed to start the exam. Please reach out to support@portswigger.net if you have any issues.

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