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Cannot log traffic to file from websockets

Nikolaos | Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 10:06AM UTC

Hi, There is no option to log traffic from any tool when the traffic is passing from the websockets. Even though traffic is visible on the Proxy - > WebSockets history tab, it's not logged into the file. * Logging options on Project options -> Misc - Logging is set for All tools Requests/Responses.

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 10:59AM UTC

Hi Nicolas, The logging feature logs requests and responses, not the traffic from the WebSockets history tab. There is a feature request in our backlog to allow the items in the WebSockets history to be exported. I have registered your interest and will update this thread when the feature is available. For now, it looks like you will need to individually select the Raw tab > right-click > copy to file on each individual item.

Nikolaos | Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 11:10AM UTC

Hi, Thank you for the response I hope it will be implemented soon as more and more we see traffic from websockets on new websites. The option of saving each one of them individually is not feasible solution in any case as the volume of them is large. Looking forward for the update. Regards, Nicolas

Hopeforthebest | Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 01:02PM UTC

PortSwigger just refuses to do anything to improve the websocket support (some issues are pending since 2015 and we just get "it's on the roadmap")... So if anyone stumbles upon this post, a dirty workaround is to save the project file to the disk and grep within it. > Project > Save Copy > cat "websockets.burp" | grep --binary-file=text 'youruniquepattern' | sed 's/do some wizzardy here/replace/g' > outputfile Sadly this solution is largely suboptimal, especially depending on the content of your websockets, but that helped me in some specific situations.

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