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Business logic vulnerabilities

Christopher | Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 07:12PM UTC

Hello, On the Business Logic Vulnerabilities labs, when I register an account and try to log in with that account, I keep receiving an "Invalid username and password." message. For example, in the Inconsistent security controls lab, you need to register a random account in the lab in order to solve it. The application is not allowing me to do that. Please let me know if there is an ongoing issue here, or if there is something I should try on my end. Thank you!

Michelle, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 03:12PM UTC

Thanks for your message. For the labs where you need to login, you should be able to use the credentials listed in the Lab Description. For example, in the lab 'Excessive trust in client-side controls', you can use the following credentials Username: wiener Password: peter I hope this helps. Have fun with the labs :)

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