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Burpsuite Enterprise uninstall script?

Ansh | Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 02:04PM UTC

What is the usage for uninstall script at /usr/local/burpsuite_enterprise/? It asks to run as root but I would need to know the required params and command to run it silently as root.

Maia, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 06:18PM UTC


Thanks for your message.

The uninstaller will prompt you for the following responses:
Are you sure you want to completely remove Burp Suite Enterprise Edition and all of its components?
Yes [y, Enter], No [n]

Choose whether to delete the data directory (/var/lib/BurpSuiteEnterpriseEdition) as part of the uninstallation.
Delete data directory?
Yes [y], No [n, Enter]

Choose whether to delete the logs directory (/var/log/BurpSuiteEnterpriseEdition) as part of the uninstallation.
Delete logs directory?
Yes [y], No [n, Enter]

Choose whether to delete the database backups directory (/var/lib/BurpSuiteEnterpriseEdition) as part of the uninstallation.
Delete database backups directory?
Yes [y], No [n, Enter]

To run the installer silently you can use the -q switch. This will uninstall but keep the directories mentioned above. If you want to remove the directories as well then you can also use -varfile to specify a varfile containing the following options:

Example command:
# /usr/local/burpsuite_enterprise/uninstall -q -varfile uninstall.varfile

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