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BurpSuite Enterprise AWS installation

Sibusiso | Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 08:08AM UTC

Hi When I try to install BurpSuite Enterprise and at the install "AWS main CloudFormation template" I get errors for EksCluster, EFSMountTarget1a and EfsMountTarget1b. I have tried using the newly created burp_user and the root account I get the same error message. Can you assist what I need to do?

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 12:19PM UTC

Hi Sibusiso, Thanks for reporting this. Please can you email support@portswigger.net with the information below? - Which version of the template are you using? - Have you followed all the instructions on the documentation? (https://portswigger.net/burp/documentation/enterprise/getting-started/cloud/deploy-aws) - Did you use the IAM template to set up the IAM roles? - Can you confirm that your deployment user is a member of the user group burp-suite-enterprise-edition-CloudFormationUsers? - You should see more detailed errors if you drill down into the nested stack that creates those resources. The full details can be seen in CloudTrail. Can you send us those logs, please?

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