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Burpsuite Enterprise account activation emails with wrong port numbers

Darren | Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 11:22PM UTC

Good day all; Ran into an interesting error. Setup Burpsuite Enterprise - Ver: 2021.4.1 (Build 6864) on a fully patched Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The install comes up on the expected port of 8080 . But when I add new user accounts - the users get an email with a URL with a contact port of 9000 instead of 8080. If my users copy the url in the email - then replace the 9000 with 8080 the activation link works. Anyone run into this? It's a bit of a pain.

Alex, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 03:15PM UTC

Thanks for your message. Can you confirm that you have filled in the web server URL and web server port in the network settings section? You also need to add the web server port to your web server URL as follows: Upon login click the settings cog in the top right corner and navigate to Network: Configure your network settings: Web Server URL: http://your-web-server-IP:8080 Web Server Port * 8080

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