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Burp Suite Pro license

wuhabe | Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 09:27AM UTC

Does license for Burp Suite Pro, works on different OS (Windows, Linux, MacOS) or only for dedicated in license OS? I got a license for Burp Suite Pro with Windows installer and I wonder if I can use it on Kali Linux? If yes, every time when I restore my vm, the license will be work?

Uthman, PortSwigger Agent | Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 12:29PM UTC

Hi Wuhabe, You can use the same license key on different operating systems. To ensure you do not encounter activation issues, I would ensure that you have an activated version of Burp Pro on a base VM image. You can then rebuild future VMs from that image. If you do encounter any activation issues, please email support@portswigger.net so that we can assist you further.

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